Archive for December 18, 2011

Weeding in December

Last year at this time, we were battling feet of snow — but it’s been a snowfree December, until today — today, we may just have to find the snow shovel.  Anthony and I did have some holiday shopping to do, but it’s really a good day to stay home.   Instead, I’m going to spend the day spring, ah…winter cleaning.  And weeding out my book collection.  Although I am not anticipating any kind of e-reader for Christmas, I have made it a goal to get rid of three boxes of books.  That will be a challenge because I hate getting rid of books. 

Still, I am offering ways to weed a personal library (I wrote the list in second person point of view — but it’s really ways I download my library. I’m sure you can adjust this list for yourself):

  1. Give your history books to your older brother who loves history.  (John, I know you never read my blog, but in case you do, expect some good reads for Christmas).  After he reads them, he will find good homes for them.
  2. Donate. Donate. Donate.  My local library loves donations, plus they have a book cellar — a room in the library where they sell used books for money for the library.  And with budgets for public libraries shrinking (don’t get me started..) it’s a win-win situation all around.
  3. Place books on your Paperback Swap Account.  That way you can get rid of your books to trade for ah…more books.  (I know that it defeats the whole purpose of trying to get rid of books, but hey, it’s fun, and I’ve gotten some great finds!)