Posts Tagged ‘Tom Hunley’

Revision, Revision

I’ve spent the few days knee-deep in some heavy-duty revision.  I think that I have revised 10 poems or so to my liking.  I’m also happy to report that some literary journals do get a head start on their reading periods, and I was able to send out four packets of poems.  September is one of the craziest months of the year for me, so if I don’t get poems sent out in August, they often don’t get sent out until late October or early November.

However, revision is not just for poetry.  School starts in a few weeks and I’m in the middle of making some important changes in both my developmental writing classes and my creative writing course.  I just got finished with Tom Hunley’s book, Teaching Poetry Writing: A Five Canon Approach, and I am going to revamp my course according to many of the ideals found in this text, including teaching poetry writing in the context of rhetoric and comp theory.  I actually have more “formal” education in rhetoric and comp than I do in creative writing, so I found Hunley’s discussion of theory refreshing compared to many poetry books which deal with craft, but not pedagogy.

I am also designing a new class for my developmental students.  The class, titled “Sports in Popular Culture” is paired with study skills, reading skills and writing components.  I have plenty of reading material, but I am also using some movie clips.  However, I have been a bit disappointed in the selection of sports movies that contain female characters.  So far, I have one selection: Bend it Like Beckham.  Quite a few years ago, I saw a Lifetime (I think it was Lifetime) movie titled Little Girls in Pretty Boxes.  I like the movie well enough, so I found the book which was a great read, and remains a favorite in my journalism class.  However, the movie has never been released on DVD.  If anyone has any thoughts on movies with women sports figures, please let me know!