Archive for April 23, 2010

A Poetry Book A Day

I’ve been a bit behind in my blog reading — with the move, and the typical April frenzy of grading — so I am only now catching up.  I’m watching poets celebrating National Poetry Month in different ways — from urging people to buy more poetry books to writing a poem a day for the whole month of April.  However, what has fascinated me the most is Dave Bonta’s site, where he is trying to read one book (or chapbook) a day and then do a mini-review of the collection he completed.  Wow.  Could I read a book a day?  Yes.  Would I be able to write a review — mini or otherwise — every day.  No.  Nope.  No way.  So, needless to say, I have great admiration for anyone who could do this… Dave has been putting a special emphasis on chapbooks from one of my favorite small presses, Seven Kitchens Press.  However, he also included a review of These Happy Eyes (Mammoth Books) by Liz Rosenberg.   This book brings about many great memories for me because I was actually working at Mammoth Books when this book was first published.  There’s nothing like working at a small press to really give a young writer a picture of the writing/editing/publishing world.

Maybe someday, when National Poetry Month doesn’t fall in April (ha!), I could try reading a poetry book a day and writing one review per book, but for now, I will be happy with the four poetry books on my nightstand.