
Fans of The Scrapper Poet know how much I love Seven Kitchens Press.  Besides the recent publication of chapbooks from two of my favorite poets, Gabriel Welsch and Todd Davis, Ron Mohring (editor) has just announced the upcoming publications of several chapbooks in the ReBound Series, including Collin Kelley’s work, Slow to Burn.  Congrats to all.

And Mary Biddinger is doing a different kind of rebounding — stop by her blog and wish her congratulations.

(Note to audience: WordPress has been a bit wacky today — I can’t provide links.  When I have more time, I will go back and make corrections!)


  1. Thanks for the shout out, Karen. Seven Kitchens does beautiful books! 🙂

  2. I saw the Gabriel Welsch on your Goodreads update — definitely added to my want-must-have list! Thanks, Karen!

  3. Gabe Said:

    Karen! Thanks for the mention. Happy thanksgiving.


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